Totally Committed

1980s Classics 1 hr  14 mins 1983
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 4 ratings

A stunning chronicle of surfing, windsurfing and gang gliding. Filmed in Hawaii, Bali and Brazil, featuring Laird Hamilton on Kauai, Buttons Kaluhiokalani on Maui, and Michael Ho winning the 1983 Pipeline Masters.

Laird Hamilton, Buzzy Kerbox, Michael Ho

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Movie Details
Synopsis A classic 80's surf film with an all time soundtrack. Synchronized land and hand held water cinematography from water cameraman Stephen Spaulding. The top surfers and windsurfers from Maui, Oahu and Kauai light it up in this action packed feature along with hang gliding over Rio and surf leash antics in northern California.
Athletes Laird Hamilton, Buzzy Kerbox, Michael Ho, Tommy Carroll, Rory Russell, Brian Buckley, Shaun Tomson, Mark Richards, Marvin Foster, Mark Foo, Martin Potter, Gary Elkerton, Simon Anderson, Mike Latronic, Terry Chung, Titus Kinimaka, Byron Wong, Buttons Kahuliokalani, Chris Lassen, Geoff Doig, Ron Gorringe, Tico Cavalcanti, Kevin Billy, Mike Cruickshank, Peter McCabe, Anthony Ruffo, Vince Collier, Kevin Reed, Craig Yester, Mike Waltze, Fred Heywood
Genres 1980s Surf Classics
Director Stephen Spaulding
Studio Isomer Productions
Rating not rated
Runtime 1 hr  14 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions English, English
Stream HD | 1920x1440