Follow the Sun
Movie Details
Synopsis | Travel to remote beaches of war torn Central America (see never before seen photographed waves of Roca Bruja). Catch the waves of Puerto Rico, the North Shore, Outer Hawaiian Islands, California and the warm waters of the Caribbean. Check the Hot Aussies including Simon Anderson and Larry Blair terrorising the waves and Cheyne Horan conquering a Waimea monster on his 5' 8". A hot collection of the worlds best, featuring Mark Richards, Tommy Curren, Michael Ho, Shaun Tomson, Dane Kealoha, David Barr and a whole lot more. Body board master Daniel Kiama defies gravity performing el'rollos and 360's taking on 15-20 ft walls of water and the brilliant Wind Surfing on the Island of Maui is in a class of its own. |
Athletes | Larry Bertlemann, Michael Ho, Martin Potter, Shaun Tomson, Hans Hedemann, Gerry Lopez, Dane Kealoha, Cheyne Horan, Tom Curren, Randall Kim, Bobby Owens, Joey Buran, Alan Sarlow, Jay Adams, Davy Smith, Sam George, Mark Foo |
Genres | Classic Surfing, 1980s Surf Classics |
Studio | Scott Dittrich Films |
Rating | not rated |
Runtime | 1 hr 18 mins |
Language | English | Stereo |
Captions | English, English |
Download | SD | 706x480 (1.40 GB) |
Stream | SD | 720x540 |